
Men With Foot Problems: Is Your Fashionable Dress Footwear Causing You Pain?

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When most people associate fashionable footwear with pain, they often picture or see women in very high heels. But men can also experience discomfort in their toes, heels, calves, and ankles when they wear fashionable shoes and boots. If you’re a male who doesn’t suffer from diabetes, arthritis, or another health ailment that affects your lower extremities, speak to a foot and ankle specialist about your boots and shoes. Your fashionable dress footwear might be the reason for your pain.…

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4 Foot Issues Associated With Wearing High Heels

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High heels can often times make you feel glamorous, or make you feel as if you’re towering above everyone else, exuding an exotic sense of beauty. It should be noted that, while high heels might make a bit of aesthetic sense, they can also provide you with a sea of health issues that can be largely avoided by not wearing high heels to begin with. Although many people are aware that high heels are a great source of blistering, they can also provide you with a litany of other health related foot issues that are far graver.…

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5 Common Causes Of Ankle Pain

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A painful ankle, often accompanied by swelling, can really put a damper on your week. Not only does it make getting around difficult, but it can be a sign of a medical issue that needs treatment before it becomes more serious. When experiencing unexplained ankle pain, it’s always a good idea to make an appointment with an ankle doctor or podiatrist. Until your appointment, check out these five common causes of ankle pain to get a good handle on what may be causing yours.…

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