Four Things You Can Do to Take Care of Your Feet

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Taking proper care of your feet is fundamental to maintaining overall health and ensuring sustained mobility throughout your life. Our feet are the foundation of our physical activities, bearing the weight of our bodies, and often enduring significant wear and tear. Implementing simple but effective foot care practices can make a substantial difference in preventing discomfort and injury. Here are four essential things you can do to take care of your feet.…

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See A Foot Doctor To Remove A Difficult Splinter Or To Treat An Infection It Caused

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If you or your kids like to go barefoot, you’ll probably have to deal with splinters now and then. Small splinters are usually no problem and come right out. Deep splinters or large objects are different. They may be painful and difficult to see or grasp. When you have something in your foot, it should come out right away to reduce the risk of infection. If you can’t get it out yourself, go to a foot doctor for help.…

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Hammertoe In Diabetics: How Surgery Can Help

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Diabetes is a complex condition that can affect many different parts of the body, but the feet and toes are particularly vulnerable to diabetes-induced problems. Many people with type I or type II suffer from hammertoe, a debilitating toe deformity that can seriously affect your mobility and quality of life.  How Does Diabetes Cause Hammertoe? Each of your toes contains two joints, similar to the joints in your thumbs, which allow the toe to bend at its base and at the toe’s halfway point.…

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How Total Ankle Replacement Is Done To Restore Mobility And Relieve Pain From Ankle Arthritis

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If you have arthritis in your ankle and you have problems with pain and mobility, your doctor may say it’s time to consider a total ankle replacement. If you’ve tried wearing a brace and taking other measures to control your condition, but you still have trouble staying mobile and free from pain, surgery is often a last-resort treatment that can help. With a total ankle replacement, your damaged ankle joint, which is the source of your pain, is removed.…

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3 Signs You Need To Book An Appointment With A Foot And Ankle Care Professional

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Your feet should function comfortably and without pain or any other trouble. When it comes to your feet, it’s not advisable to ignore even the seemingly minor issues because they may worsen within a short period. If you have been experiencing continuous foot discomfort, it is advisable to book an appointment with a foot and ankle care professional as soon as possible. An experienced podiatrist or foot professional will diagnose your foot issues, manage them, and treat them to eliminate discomfort and restore normalcy.…

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Different Approaches For Treating Bunions

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Bunions, also known as hallux valgus, are easily recognized by a bulging joint on the inside of the foot and toes that overlap. They develop over time and present symptoms that range from little or no discomfort to severe pain and impaired walking. Some patients get relief by changing their footwear or using an orthotic device. Others need surgery to correct bunions. Symptoms and Diagnosis Bunions develop when the big toe shifts, bending toward the other toes.…

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Simple Tips To Avoid Common Ankle Injuries

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From a simple sprain or strain to a more serious fracture, your ankle is susceptible to suffering several different types of bone, tendon, or ligament damage. If you have ever twisted your ankle while running or even walking on an uneven surface, you know how painful and potentially debilitating an ankle injury can be. Follow these simple tips to avoid injuring your ankle. Wear Supportive Shoes Choose shoes that fit properly and are made specifically for your preferred sport or exercise.…

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Foot Issues To See Your Podiatrist About

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Foot pain is not something you should ever ignore. That minor pain or minor issue may not go away on its own and could end up causing you further worsening problems later down the road, or those minor problems may be an underlying health issue you weren’t even aware you had. If you have foot pain, whether minor or not, you should seek medical attention from a podiatrist. Read on for foot issues you should be seeing your podiatrist about.…

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Ingrown Toenails: What Are They, And What Can You Do About Them?

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  If the area around one of your toenails is red, swollen and causing you pain, you may have an ingrown toenail. This problem develops when the edge of your toenail grows into the skin around it, which irritates the skin and contributes to your discomfort. Ingrown toenails are a common problem, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. Learn more about ingrown toenails so you know what to do next time you have one.…

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How to Ease Bunion Pain while You Wait for Surgery

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If you are on your feet all day, every day, whether it’s due to your job or keeping your children in check, your feet need to be able to walk distances without giving you pain. Bunions can make even the simplest movement hard and painful. The out-of-joint big toe can be caused by several things, from how you walk to what shoes you wear. If you are scheduled to have surgery to correct your bunion, you may have a bit of a wait and want relief now.…

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